Hackers Use Ransomware To Extort Money From U.S. Businesses

A new article published today by KrebsonSecurity about the hacking of the San Francisco rail system re-confirms that foreign hackers use ransomware to extort money from U.S. businesses. The hacker in the Krebs article has been extorting money from different companies in the amounts of tens or hundred of thousands of dollars. Read the entire article on KrebsonSecurity.com

Sometimes we may think that, my company is not big enough to catch a hacker’s interest. Wrong. No company is too small or too big for a hacker to extort money from. As the hacking impact may be different for each company, it is interfering with the business operations. It is important that additional security measures are taken to accessing company database and files. Additionally, if you received a ransom request after an attacked, report it immediately to the FBI. Each reporting can be used to identifying the bad guys.

Posted on Categories Security News and Alerts

Reporting Ransomware to the FBI

On September 15, FBI published a new Public Service Announcement urging victims of ransomware to report the attacks to the them. Every ransomware report helps the FBI “gain a more comprehensive view of the current threat and its impact on U.S. victims”.

Ransomware creators are currently targeting businesses, not only individuals, causing service disruptions, financial loss, and in some cases, permanent loss of valuable data. In the first months of 2016, FBI reports that the “global ransomware infections were at an all-time high”, estimating 100,000 computers a day being compromised by one ransomware variant. However, an exact number of individual or business victims cannot accurately be identified because many of the ransomware attacks go unreported.

“All ransomware variants pose a threat to individual users and businesses. Recent variants have targeted and compromised vulnerable business servers (rather than individual users) to identify and target hosts, thereby multiplying the number of potential infected servers and devices on a network.”

CONTINUE READING at: https://www.ic3.gov/media/2016/160915.aspx


Posted on Categories Security News and Alerts

Invincea [Security News & Alerts]

5/23/2016: [ALERT] Two Attacks for The Price Of One: Weaponized Document Delivers Ransomware and Potential DDoS Attack

DDoS (distributed denial of service) in ransomware a new trend… Beware of phishing emails! The attack comes as a Rich Text Document (.rtf) file attached to your email. Opening it and running the macro attached to it, will install the ransomware on your computer.

Read the full article for technical details

Posted on Categories Informative, Security News and Alerts

Las Vegas Website Solutions

Las Vegas Website Solutions is dedicated to bringing you the best website services at affordable prices. Our web designers and developers have extensive experience in all aspects of website design and development, search engine optimization and search engine marketing. We are working hard to assisting our customers in succeeding in their goals for acquiring new customers via a professionally designed website, as well as, by promoting it to the top of the search engines.

As every customer’s needs are different, our goal is to provide customized designs and services that will fit within our customer’s needs and requirements. We will take the time to listen to your needs and provide the best ways to accomplish your online goals within your budget.

Posted on Categories Custom Website Design, Digital marketing, Informative, Specials


SEM is short for Search Engine Marketing and refers to online paid advertising, such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or Cost-Per-Click (CPC) or CPM (Cost-Per-(thousand)Impressions). PPC/CPC/CPM is widely provided by major search engines, social bookmarking sites, online directories, etc., such as Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, Facebook, YellowPages.com, etc… PPC listings can be seen in “Sponsored Links” zones on websites…

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization and refers mostly to promoting a website/listing in search organic (no PPC) and local listings found in google maps, yahoo local, bing maps, etc…

SEO also involves optimization of a website content and meta and title tags and link building, while SEM does not require such tasks to be performed.

Posted on Categories Custom Website Design, Digital marketing, Informative, SEM, Specials